Featured Coupons

Act fast to get $300 cash from SingSaver this 11 November

Get $300 if you're the first 50 to apply for a relevant credit card with SingSaver this 11.11. If you're intending to get any of the following credit cards soon, you might as well wait until 11 November to apply. …

Thinking of Getting Married in 2015/2016?

"I do!" With these 2 words, every Singaporean's nightmare begins. The cost of holding a wedding in Singapore has increased exponentially in the last decade, and many of my peers are really starting to feel the pinch…


Hi guys! I've received a few emails and messages from concerned readers asking where my blog went - apologies if you were affected by the downturn in the last 12 hours! That happened because I screwed up my HTML and the p…

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